Julia Samel (London)
Julia first discovered Forró in 2001 whilst studying Capoeira in London. She was moved so much by the joy of dancing that she searched all over Brazil for more and eventually set up a Forró night in Manchester where she was living. She has been training and sharing her skills ever since, founding Forró Family with her brother, Andy, back in 2002. Julia runs regular weekly classes and courses in London and Brighton. Julia loves to incorporate different styles in her dance, focusing on close turns and sequences as well as footwork and connection. She welcomes anyone interested to move to the spirit of Brazil and believes everyone can dance.

Rudolfo (Cologne)
Rudolfo was born in Olinda, in the state of Pernambuco, Brazil. Even as a child Rudolfo Batista da Silva was passionate about the folklore, the culture but mostly about the dances of this region of the northeast of Brazil (Nordeste). During his childhood he participated in many of the typical parties called Festas Juninas, dancing in the cultural capitals of Pernambuco. At the age of 14 Rudolfo’s interest in Forró grew and he started learning the typical styles of the northeastern region. When he was 19 he was introduced to the Forró Universitário style, learning it and mixing it with his Forró Nordestino. In 2010 he moved to the city of Cologne in Germany, where he founded the group Forró de Colônia.

Marcinho (Bordeaux)
Marcinho, born in Salvador-Brazil, met forró in 2003 going out to parties. One year later, he felt the need to get deeper in that culture and dance by studying the masters and contributors of traditional forró (Forró Pé-de-serra). During his improvement, he learned to sensitize himself with the music and transform it in movement. He always says, "I don't dance forró, it's the forró that makes me dance!" In 2006, he realized his gift for teaching and from that moment on he got engaged with the forrozeiros world. In 2007, he started to dedicate himself to Samba de Gafieira and it became his second passion in life. In 2013, he moved to Bordeaux-France to show to the French his culture and strengthen the forró movement in Europe. Since then, he has been teaching and sharing the culture of these wonderful dances.

Aleksei (St. Petersburg)
Sou de Sao Petersburgo, Russia. Sou professor de forró aqui. Sou organizador de Russian Forró Festival FORROARU. É o maior evento de forró na Russia. Ja foram cinco vezes. Eu comecei estudar o forro no ano 2007. Para me a musica foi primeira. Eu pratiquei a capoeira aqui. Uma vez eu ouvi a musica de forró e gostei demais. Eu nao sabia o que existe dança tmb. Sou depois duaz mezes uma brasileira mostrou para me passos basicos. Ela foi estudante na Univercidade em Sao Petersburgo. Nessa epoca ninguem nao sabia dançar o forró e eu comecei a estudar. No ano 2008 eu fui na primeira vez no Brasil. No fevereiro 2009 eu comecei dar aulas de forró. Eu fui primeiro forrozeiro da Russia.. E agora Sao Petersburgo ja tem o maior comunidade de forró na Russia.

Forroxodó (Hamburg)
Forroxodó was founded 2014 in Hamburg by Brazilian and French musicians togehter with lead-singer Ivoneide Targino, from Mossoró, Rio Grande do Norte. Animated by their passion for music from the north-east, and their desire to interpret, re-arrange or compose forró music in a mostly traditional style, the 5-piece group has regularly brought energetic forró at Hamburg downtown Cascadas Club and at the festivals (Altonale Festival, Circus Festival). Sanfoneiro Vincent Mermillod (fr.), Percussionist and cavaquinho player Remy de Souza Santos (br.,fr.), guitarist Mo Jonas (br.), and Zabumbeiro Fernando Moreira (br.) complete the quintet. Forroxodó invites you all to join for exciting forrós, poetic xotes and lively cocos and xaxados!